Xbox live best indie games
Xbox live best indie games

xbox live best indie games

The genre's height of success during the fifth generation of home consoles felt like a distant memory, with Marioessentially being the only mascot platformer left standing. Platformance: Castle Pain is the best challenging platformer on the Xbox Live Indie Games Marketplace, and you really should buy it for that reason if you're into that kind of game.Just prior to Super Meat Boy's release in October 2010, the platform genre was at one of its lowest points. The game also stands out for its beautiful pixel art, and cute sound effects which gives the game a charm that's hard to resist.

xbox live best indie games

The time pressure may not work for some, but it adds an incredible amount of tension for you to get past the lethal puzzles as quickly as possible with as few mistakes as possible. The real threat is the giant ghost that follows you across the level which, while it moves super slowly, if touched will insta-kill your character. Death isn't a big thing in Platformance, as the numerous checkpoints will instantly respawn your brave little duder-in-shining-armor over-and-over again. Terrible traps, evil asshole birds, and lethal sea life are all your sworn enemies whom will stop at nothing to prevent your quest of rescuing the princess. Platformance only has one level, but it's truly a motherfucker to behold. As the title says, Platformance: Castle Pain is all about the platforming. Platformance: Castle Pain follows in the wake of masochist games like Demon's Souls and Super Meat Boy that hurt you deep down so good. Price - 80 MSP ($1 USD): Platformance: Castle Pain is a bitch, straight up. This is what separates Breath of Death VII: The Beginning from other parodies and homages it knows when to poke fun, and it respects its roots at the same time. For classic-RPG fans that are in on the joke, you'll be rolling on the floor in fits of laughter the entire time as joke-after-joke rolls in.īut while Breath of Death VII: The Beginning makes fun of its ancestors, you can see the amount of love and passion the developers, Zeboyd Games, have for the genre, which tells you that they didn't just make this game to make fun of the genre, they honestly respect it. While the gameplay is tight and extremely enjoyable, the humor and soul of this game is what matters the most. The gameplay follows closely to the design formula that was established by games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior/Quest (turn-based combat, random encounters, hub-world, etc). Breath of Death VII: The Beginning is easily the best video game parody to date, and also the best RPG on the Xbox Live Indie Games Marketplace. Parodies, in general, often don't work well as video games (like the Matt Hazard series, for example). Some games that choose to become reflections of the past set themselves up as a parody, making fun of game-design choices and the fan-base of said games. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1) or trying to invoke the feeling of past games, almost to the point of creepiness (like Bioshock being a "spiritual successor" to System Shock 2). Price - 80 MSP ($1 USD): Nostalgia and homage are both incredibly over-used words in the video game industry today with most games trying to play on gamers fond memories of the past (e.g. Take note, this list will be updated when I play a new XBLIG so keep your eyes peeled for new games on this list! Also, I don't get to play every single Xbox Live Indie Game ever, so please recommend me some Xbox Live Indie Games so I can try them out. You may also want to YouTube some gameplay of these games, as I'm a pretty mediocre writer and thus don't usually correctly describe things properly enough for people. This is merely a list to point people in the right direction of quality games that they should at least demo if they're at all interested. Now, I'm not saying "GO BUY ALL OF THESE NOW".

xbox live best indie games

It's designed to help people figure out what games to check out. Therefore, I'm starting this list of Xbox Live Indie Games You NEED to Buy. I'm starting to write reviews of Xbox Live Indie Games, but I know a lot people don’t have the time to read every review of mine, where they’d prefer to have a list that tells them what's good and what isn't. I, on the other hand, relish the challenging of shifting through the crap, looking for the best games that the channel has to offer. I know a lot of people who are so intimidated by the sheer massive amount of games in the channel that they straight-out refuse to even explore it for the gems that lie amongst the colossusal amounts of garbage. The Xbox Live Indie Games Marketplace is like the wild west of the Xbox Live service.

Xbox live best indie games